Listen to their concerns one at a time and choose the correct definition for each medical term. You can also talk about nystagmus based on the cause of the condition. Nystagmus Causes Symptoms Effective Treatment Nvision Eye Centers In other cases it may be neurologicalthat is there may be problems with the brain which prevents it from working together with. . Manifest-latent nystagmus is a condition where the nystagmus is always present but is also made worse when one eye is covered. Since some dogs may experience anorexia and vomiting the doctors recommend you take extra care of their food and nutrition. Manifest-latent nystagmus is a condition where the nystagmus is always present but is also made worse when one eye is covered. Click here for Vision Coverage. If nystagmus is caused due to viral infections the vet treats them first. Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes move rapidly and uncontrollably. ...